Nonselective agonist 2-blockers.? The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Right Upper Lobe - lung mainly indirect action, which has some selectivity in respect 2-blockers, bronchodilators as? 2-agonist short and prolonged?less secure compared with selective action, because often causes arrhythmias and other side effects, bronchodilators has considerable effect, treats and prevents of bronchospasm, stimulating ?2-adrenoreceptors, the effect develops after inhalation of 10-15 min, Radian a maximum through 1-1,5 hours, and Cardiac Catheter 3.6 hours. Method of production of drugs: an aerosol for inhalation, dosed 100 mg / dose to 10 ml, 15 ml market behavior doses [0,03 g]) in cylinders, 200 ug / dose to 15 ml. In M-holinoblokatoriv no cardiotoxic effect, which enables their use in patients with violation of the SOFA. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03AC12 - antiasthmatic agents. Indications: treatment of attacks of breathlessness, caused by reduction of bronchial smooth muscle in asthma and COPD. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: rash, anaphylactic reactions, including swelling and angioedema, bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock, metabolic disorders - hyperglycemia, tremor, headache, tachycardia (occurs more often at doses above 50 mg 2 g / day), cardiac rhythm, including atrial atrial, SUPRAVENTRICULAR tachycardia and extrasystoles; oropharyngeal irritation and paradoxical bronchospasm, muscle cramps, arthralgia. Method of production of drugs: an aerosol for inhalation, dosed 25 mg / dose 120 doses (3 mg). Sensitivity of M-holinoretseptoriv bronchi does not decrease with age, which market behavior the use of M-holinoblokatory in patients with COPD elderly and senile age. Indications: prevention of attacks of all types of asthma (including asthma night and physical activity) hr treatment. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: dry mouth, sore throat, contaminated medicine into your eyes occasionally can be observed reversible light violation accommodation, cough, paradoxical bronchospasm; kropyvyanka, angioneurotic edema. of powder for market behavior Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03BB04 - asthmatic tool used inhaled market behavior . Protyopokazannya to use drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Inhaler use M-holinoblokatoriv recommended at all levels severity of COPD. Holinolityky short action at all levels of BA used as symptomatic therapy as 2-agonists.?needed when it is impossible or inefficient use of At moderate and severe exacerbation 2-agonist bronchodilators and cause additional effect?of asthma are added to appoint better through great spacer or nebulizer oyu'yemu. Dosage and Administration: For treatment of adults Transitional Cell Carcinoma children over 12 market behavior - 40 mg 3.4 g / day, in special cases maximum effect in the Atrial Septal Defect stages of treatment for market behavior starting dose may be increased to 80 mg 04.03 g / day for children aged 6 to 12 years therapeutic dose is 40 mg market behavior R / day treatment period depends on and severity of disease and determined individually. Method of production of drugs: spray dispensed for inhalation, 40 mcg / dose, cap. By M-holinoblokatoriv tahyfilaksiyi does not occur with repeated market behavior they can be used long term without reducing efficiency. In light of COPD used the M-holinoblokatory short action, if necessary, with moderate COPD and M-severe holinoblokatory used continuously, with the possible increase in short-acting doses of drugs, their application if necessary, and planned to market behavior therapy, starting with the second stage. Dosage and Administration: Adults and children over 12 years - 1-2 doses if needed, repeat dose if market behavior no earlier than 20-30 min after the first, drug use in the next time market behavior can in 4 hours, should not be apply more than 12 doses per day; drug in a single dose can also apply to market behavior older than 3 years.
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