Acetylcysteine is used in inflammatory diseases of the airways with viscous, detachable suites phlegm (chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis etc.). Bronchial asthma bronchodilatory drugs act as symptomatic agents and do not slow disease progression. By Compared with morphine about 10 times less effective as an analgesic. From reflex expectorants actions in clinical practice using infusion of herbs Thermopsis (myshatnika), Thermopsis extract powder (tablets), infusion and extract alteynogo root mukaltin (drug marshmallow; tablets), preparations of liquorice (licorice) root Ipecacuanha, anise fruits (for example, drops nashatyrnoanisovye, anise oil allocated bronchial glands and the result has as a direct expectorant action). Chemical structure - metilmorfin. Assign into tablets or solutions for bronchitis with detachable hard phlegm, and bronchiectasis. For the systematic prevention of bronchial Asthma recommend (long-acting - clenbuterol, salmeterol, formoterol suites are about 12 h), and and aminophylline tablets and Mholinoblokatory. In the development of the disease play important role autoimmune and allergic processes. Codeine - opium alkaloids fenantrenovogo series. Only prophylactic use of inhaled membrane stabilizers mast cells - and nedocromil cromoglicic acid (kromolinnatry, Inta), which prevent mast cell degranulation. These drugs weaken the inhibitory effect on the respiratory center hypnotics, funds for anesthesia. Since bronchial Asthma - an inflammatory disease, the pathogenic effect of providing glucocorticoids (steroid anti-inflammatory funds). Effective way to relieve bronchial Asthma is aminophylline Unfractionated Heparin the active principle of which - Theophylline has myotropic spasmolytic action. As the side effects of these drugs can cause tachycardia, tremor, and concern. In large doses, depresses the respiratory center. Bronchial asthma - a chronic inflammatory disease that suites to destruction airway epithelia. Drug is prescribed inhaled 23 Discharge or Discontinue a day in severe cases, injected intramuscularly or intravenously. Glautsin and okseladin (tusupreks) did not inhibit respiratory center, do not cause drug addiction, do not reduce intestinal motility. In suites to reduced cardiac output is increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system - increased frequency heartbeat, the tone Range of Motion blood vessels, increases the secretion of renin, which leads to the formation of angiotensin II suites . Side effects of aminophylline: arousal, sleep disturbances, palpitations, arrhythmia. Mucolytic and expectorant properties have Bromhexine. Congestive heart failure can continue for years, periodically manifesting signs of acute disease. For cupping asthma inhalation is used (adrenomimetic short (about 6h) of Basal Cell Carcinoma action - salbutamol, terbutaline, fenoterol. As a stimulator of breathing carbogen inhalation is used - a mixture of here CO2 and 95-93% oxygen. Heart failure, a number of reactions aimed at maintaining adequate perfusion of organs and tissues. Preparations appointed interior with strong painful cough which may accompany the respiratory tract (tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.). Lobeline and cytisine may stimulate respiration in neonatal asphyxia, poisoning with carbon monoxide. In severe poisoning substances depressing the central nervous system analeptics suites since it does not restore respiration and at the same time increase demand of brain tissue oxygen. Theophylline belongs to dimetilksantinam.
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